
It's been 2 weeks...

            The last time I posted (which was waaay to long ago) it was my master plan. I regret to inform you though…the master plan still hasn’t been completed…or even attempted. Ok well, last Saturday I made an effort to start. I made a rough budget and downloaded some worksheets to plan out projects for this summer or life. But that’s as far as I got. I think I should stop trying to mulit-task. Just focus on one thing, even if it’s quiet. Quiet is good. Hey I think I found something I might need to try!!
            Now you understand how I work. As much as I hate to admit it, the theme of saying I’m going to do something but then it not happening is recurring in my life. You would think that over Spring Break I’d be able to accomplish this one task right? Ha. Apparently not. Distraction rules in my life. Then when school started again, I knew that blogging was going to be put on the way backburner. Boy was I correct. Not until today (2 weeks later) am I updating again.
            It is really frustrating to be so motivated to do something one day and the next, you find yourself too absorbed in Netflix or some other random thing to lift a finger toward a project. Or the fact that I have devote time to homework and school before I even think about blogging/fun projects to blog about. Should I devote time to this “hobby” I feel guilty for not studying for a test that’s 5 days away or avoiding the 2 research papers I have coming up at the end of the semester. Or the Advanced Organic Lab synthesis I’ve been putting off. Did I ever say I was a PROcrastinator? This year has been better for getting things accomplished but still I want to do more.

            By thinking about wanting to do more I fall into a trap, that I may have mentioned. I want to do SO much that I feel I’m already behind. As I’m typing this pressure is welling up and freaking me out! These are the times I need to remember to relax, take some time from working hard this week to do something enjoyable/fun. Otherwise, I’ll turn into a crab and not my normal optimistic self. Yet, when there are 3 things I could name on my desk that constantly remind me of what I want to get accomplished and the time I’ve already wasted today, I get that tension feeling again. Gosh. What am I to do?

            I’ll be honest. I haven’t figured it out yet. Lists always help. But even lists don’t help me get things done! I need to approach it differently. When school is killing me slowly, I need to come up with a plan of attack. One that works effectively and efficiently, yet includes homework time, social time, working out, and whatever else I have going on that day. Um what!? Some days I barely get by as is! My challenge? A schedule/plan that is easily accessible, is easily seen to remind me, is set in stone but can be manipulated for day to day, doesn’t make me want to tear my hair out, and includes reminders of what the big picture is/what I want to do in the future/how awesome I am and can accomplish because I’m still so young.
            Soooo anyone got ideas for me? Ha. I have the best of intentions but actually DOING everything? Whoa. Now that’s something I beg to be able to say. Basically, I’ll say it. I want to do it all. But is that actually possible? I think so. God willing, I know I can be successful. But it doesn’t come without putting nose to the grindstone. And this doesn’t exclude homework. It’s so much more fun to focus on extra-curriculars for me, but school is one of those things that I need to make sure I finish first. Boo-hiss!

            Maybe this is pointless for others and only a ramble of the things no one cares about, about my life. But maybe I’m on to something for myself so I can help others or be inspirational. Whatever you take it as, thanks for reading ;)

Olive juice amor,



My Master Plan

            After addressing or defining a problem, the next step for me is to actually do something about it. And that means creating a plan. However, therein lies part of the problem! These grand master “plans” in my head, never seem to come out the way I would like them! I’ll sit down to make a picture/list/drawing of them, but my lack of artistic ability stalls my progress because I don’t like the way the picture/list (or literally anything involving drawing) “looks.” Oh it is so infuriating. Come on! Can’t I just make it through one plan without being such a perfectionist? Can’t I just for once make something look cute without scrutinizing? But AH! I have found part of the problem I can fix. Realizing as I just keep moving forward, I will get better; and the “artsy” part of me will come if I just let my creativity flow. Maybe something I need to realize is not everything has to be “perfect.” Because, let’s be honest, my work is a reflection of me and I am far from perfection! Anyways, getting sidetracked...imagine that!
            Funny thing is though, getting sidetracked is yet another problem I have! That and getting impatient or bored with my project. I’ll be in the middle of a project and suddenly it is two hours later and said project is sitting half done because some element distracted me. Then as time goes on, it never gets done. I’ll spare you the details of half-done projects around my room and house-the number is scary. So what’s different about this time? What could possibly motivate me to stay motivated, focused, and finish all my projects? I have a few ideas in mind!

            Number one - My master plan
                        No seriously. Tomorrow (and mark my words-this is GOING to happen) I will have my plans written out, or somehow on paper. I get super exicted to do projects but soon lose interest because I don’t give myself a time frame. Daily reminders (on paper) are a must if I hope to accomplish anything. I’m very list, goal, and timeline oriented. Knowing that is extremely helpful when trying to undertake anything.

            Number two - Stop getting caught up in details or thinking too much
                        I think. A LOT. That’s why I don’t DO many times. Too much time spent on thinking or “planning” out details. Yes, details will be something I take into account with number one but what is changing is my need for things to be perfect RIGHT away. What falls to the wayside is the realization that I can go back and change something if I need to.

            Number three - JUST START
                        I had a conversation with my mom today about how much time we spend thinking (the last point) and that’s it. Just think-no action. I’m 21 years old and obviously I have tons of life before me but knowing you have “time” can sometimes inhibit rather than motivate. And that’s exactly what happens to me. I’m SO sick of saying “oh I have time to do it; I’ll do it at some point.” NO! That some point is now for me, and every moment in the future.

            I won’t lie, writing this and just writing it while I was thinking of the words was really hard! Because of the details with formatting. The way you see my numbered points was not how they were originally written. I had to go back and format them after I got the thoughts out of my head (working on not letting my mind be a trap-success!). Originally I was going to format as I went but had to stop myself and say, hey, you can go BACK and do the formatting. WHEW, what a relief. Progress? I guess we’ll see!
            This blog is another example of me starting my ACTION lifestyle. Writing is like a release. Whether 500 people read what I wrote or none at all, I’m getting all that is in my head, out! Ever notice how sometimes courses of action, or problems can solve themselves if you talk or write about it? If you haven’t, try it. Go on. I’ve talked/written myself into solutions because it’s a different way of processing. Plus, by keeping a blog updated, it encourages the whole time concept but in like a fun and inspiring kind of way!

            And now that I’ve written about action, I suppose real action is required if I’m going to keep this up! Which I assure you, I will do. After tonight, my master plan will be complete! Muahahahahaha! ;)

Olive juice amor,


I have a problem...let's fix that!

         It’s the classic thinker’s (or dreamer’s) problem. In the shower, while half asleep, while daydreaming in class. You know what I’m talking about right? Well if not, my problem is the “I have sensational ideas/plans/dreams, but every single time I try to sit down and write them out, I stare at a blank page…blankly.” Whether it be writing a list, or wanting to blog, this happens on a regular basis. Kid you not; it happened to me not a half hour before I sat down to write! Shower time had opened up the creative juices in my brain, elegant words flowed from my synapses and dreams I would surely make into reality puffed from the clouds in which they had been encased. Plans about my life being more productive and organized seemed to form a neatly compiled list and started to pin images on the bulletin board that is my conscious. Thousands of these scenarios enter my thoughts during the day and before my long-term memory can snag them by the tail, they poof from existence. This is almost happening as I write. My problem of not being able to get out my “elegant” words and onto paper is frustrating. In my head these words are beautiful and dripping with award winning material but face the brutal fate of being forever imprisoned in my mind, just bouncing around, without ever reaching my fingers and eventually paper.
            Well I have finally had enough of it! Have I had enough of it more than once? You betcha. This could arguably be the thousandth time I’ve had enough of my own mind holding my own mind back (haha). This self-encapsulating but constantly dreaming mind is opening the gates and letting go. I decided that when better than the present (as so many have said) to just go for what you have wanted to do, been contemplating, or have dreamed about? So instead of being my own worst enemy, I’m being my own cheerleader. I mean, I’ve got a bigger cheerleader in my life but He might need a little help from Allie herself! 
            All in all, these words may not have been the dazzling elegance of the words of which I spoke before, but I think for the first time they are pretty decent start for needing to work on my mind relinquishing hold on everything stuck inside! Perhaps as I keep this practice going, it will become a matter of habit to make words/plans/ideas/dreams come to fruition without force. And that, would definitely be an accomplishment to check off my list of dreams and ideas and plans J

Olive juice amor,



Just working on something new!

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Olive juice amor,
